Language arts
Common Lit - CommonLit is a nonprofit education technology organization dedicated to ensuring that all students, especially students in Title I schools, graduate with the reading, writing, communication, and problem-solving skills they need to be successful in college and beyond. Including access to books, short stories, and information about literary devices.
Crash Course - Crash Course provides 10-minute videos that provide an in-depth analysis of popular forms of literature. Not only do they provide summaries, but also provide an analysis of plots and characters. They cover everything from "Romeo and Juliet" to a "Handmaid's Tale"-- sometimes creating 3 parts for a single novel!
Tom Richey - Online history lectures for AP US History and AP European History
Crash Course - US and European History - In 50 episodes, John Green will teach you about European History to give you an overview of Europe’s history and connection with the world from 1450 to the present. This course is based on the AP European History Course Description and college-level Introduction to Western Civilization curriculum.
Khan Academy - US History - Khan academy is a non-profit organizations with free lessons in most subjects.
Bob Ross Art Channel - This link is to the Bob Ross channel where you can find lots of painting videos and they are very beautiful.
Amoeba Sisters - This is a perfect YouTube channel for those who are taking Biology. The Amoeba Sisters teach biology in such a simple way you will be able to pass Biology with no problem. They use comics to make it easier to learn a certain cell or topic.
Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell - We create beautiful videos to share our passion for knowledge. We value quality over quantity, always. Nothing in the universe is boring if you tell a good story.
Crash Course - Crash Course is an educational YouTube channel started by John and Hank Green, who first achieved notability on the YouTube platform through their VlogBrothers channel. Crash Course was one of the hundred initial channels funded by YouTube's $100 million original channel initiative.
foriegn language
Study Spanish - A free website and app, that helps you learn Spaish. Here you can do activities in spanish, and when you are done, you can take a test to see if know Spanish!
Khan Academy - Khan academy is a non-profit organizations with free lessons in most subjects. It is a great place for math lessons and problem practice.
Desmos - Desmos is a website which is helpful to visualize graphs. As it provides and advanced graphing calculator to help with parabolas or linear patterns.