Gryffingear is split into two Departments: Business operations and Engineering
Business Operations
Minister of M.A.G.I.C (Outreach and Awards)
The Outreach committee presents and organizes team Outreach and media to ensure that the team is not only recognized by the FIRST community, but their local community as well. We at Team 5012 Gryffingear believe in a strong sense of community, and helping others when it comes to FIRST ideals. The committee is responsible for discussing, coordinating, and attending outreach events and opportunities by contacting businesses and organizations. Once an outreach event is finalized and completed, the committee then goes onto update it within our chairman’s documentation form.
The Awards committee is responsible for formatting the awards and keeping track of the deadlines on the awards as well as helping with the overall design. They take what the team has accomplished and documented in the past few years and slap it into the “Chairman’s Binder”, which they design and give it the pizazz, as well as our chairman’s video. A lot of documentation is needed for the committee to overall operate, as they take it all and neatly place it together into all of the awards which are submitted to show prestige and honor of the hardworking engineering business force known as Team 5012 Gryffingear.
Muggle affairs (Imagery and Media)
The Imagery committee is responsible for things such as creating merch, handouts, flyers, posters, our pit’s setup, and anything that we need in regards to our team’s image. They work closely alongside the outreach committee to ensure we present ourselves uniquely, but professionally, to others regarding merch and setting up any booths and handouts we may need for any events. They also work alongside the media committee when we have flyers that we need to promote.
The Media committee is responsable for the teams social media’s, taking photos and videos of the team and documenting events the team has been to. They help us spread the team’s name around various media platforms and other sites.
The Competition committee is responsible for directing all competition aspects including strategy, pit operations, awards presentations, and scheduling. They oversee the major operations going on during competitions, and are responsible for assigning competition roles. Competition roles include Chairman’s presenters, match strategy, pit crew, scouting, and pit lead. Throughout competition, the committee focuses on scouting each team collect data for strategy sheets (which help us choose alliances). They also engage in pit scouting where teams are asked what type of mechanisms and wheels to help us find what will be most compatible with us.
E.D.M (Manufacturing and Design)
The Manufacturing committee produces the robot that the team competes with, at regionals and demonstrated at public outreach events. Members of the Manufacturing committee have general knowledge of computer-aided design software to document the process of building the robot in an engineering journal, and are able to collaborate with members of Control Systems to make a functioning robot. They are responsible for inventorying tools, fabricating parts, and preparing for competitions - all while maintaining workshop safety and sanitation standards.
Design works closely with the Director of Strategy for robot objectives and parameters, discusses design requirements and limitations with Manufacturing and Control Systems Directors, CADs the robot using OnShape and prototypes with the manufacturing committee. Attends leadership meetings
Dark Arts (Control Systems)
Control Systems
Control Systems is responsible for directing all control systems operations which includes electronics and pneumatics. Use this knowledge to train new members on the basics of control systems, as well as how to safely work with the equipment used. Works closely with Design, Manufacturing and Programming Directors.
Mysteries (Programming)
Programming is responsible for the Coding of the robot for the needed controls. Along with controls, programming tests the robot in various scenarios for the Autonomous section of every FRC game.