Our FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) Robotics team, Team 5012 Gryffingear, is from the Palmdale Aerospace Academy, based out of Palmdale, California. Palmdale contributes heavily to aerospace technology, so we love to embrace STEM. STEM is the main focus of our school, which offers a variety of STEM classes, such as robotics, Civil Engineering, and many Project Lead the Way classes. Members of our team also love to embrace the Engineering side of STEM. Our team has a clear Harry Potter theme. Our team name is a STEM take on the Gryffindor house name from Harry Potter. We participate in outreach events, where the message of Gracious Professionalism gets expressed, a core part of FIRST, and spreading interest in robotics and STEM in our community. We create a robot in 6 weeks based on a game announced in early January, with about 9000 teams participating with us in this challenge annually. Our team works with various mentors from varying businesses in the STEM fields, such as Lockheed Martin and Boeing. We enjoy ourselves while contributing to the construction of the robots. Every one of our team members works well together, having separate committees where members can pick what role they want to contribute to, such as manufacturing, programming, design, and finance. These committees provide skills that assist members in their future careers in the business and engineering fields.