12th grade
language arts
Common Lit is a nonprofit education technology organization dedicated to ensuring that all students, especially students in Title I schools, graduate with the reading, writing, communication, and problem-solving skills they need to be successful in college and beyond. Including access to books, short stories, and information about literary devices.
Wisecrack - Thug Notes is a Youtube series that puts common literature into short, animated videos explained in an informal matter. The literature covered ranges from "To Kill a Mockingbird" all the way to "Where the Wild Things Are"-- summarizing the story, providing quotes, and reviewing key themes.
Crash Course - Literature provides 10-minute videos that provide an in-depth analysis of popular forms of literature. Not only do they provide summaries, but also provide an analysis of plots and characters. They cover everything from "Romeo and Juliet" to a "Handmaid's Tale"-- sometimes creating 3 parts for a single novel!
Literary Terms is a website that provides definitions and examples for a variety of rhetorical devices. They also explain why authors may choose to use rhetorical devices and the intended effects these devices have on the audience.r
Khan Academy is a non-profit organizations with free lessons in most subjects. It is a great place for math lessons and problem practice.
Desmos is a website which is helpful to visualize graphs. As it provides and advanced graphing calculator to help with parabolas or linear patterns.
Crash Course - Government is a playlist filled with videos related to government, aimed at helping students in their government or civics classes. These videos review key concepts in the courses from the Constitution to Supreme Court cases.
Tom Richey - US History is a YouTube playlist of all of Tom Richey's US History videos based off College Board's AP standards. If you are a student in AP US History -- Richey is your guy!
Khan Academy-Civics is an introduction to civics, ideal for a high school classroom. Begin by learning what it means to be a citizen!
Khan Academy-Government and Civics helps you dive into the US government and learn how it was structured and how it works. Learn what it means to be a citizen. Learn about the fundamentals behind America.
Bob Ross Art Channel is a link to the Bob Ross channel where you can find lots of painting videos.
Foreign Language
A free website and app, that helps you learn Spanish. Here you can do activities in Spanish, and when you are done, you can take a test to see if know Spanish!