Language Arts
Common Lit is a nonprofit education technology organization dedicated to ensuring that all students, especially students in Title I schools, graduate with the reading, writing, communication, and problem-solving skills they need to be successful in college and beyond. Including access to books, short stories, and information about literary devices.
Crash Course - Literature is a Crash Course that provides 10-minute videos that provide an in-depth analysis of popular forms of literature. Not only do they provide summaries, but also provide an analysis of plots and characters. They cover everything from "Romeo and Juliet" to a "Handmaid's Tale"-- sometimes creating 3 parts for a single novel!
Khan Academy is a non-profit organizations with free lessons in most subjects. It is a great place for math lessons and problem practice.
Desmos is a website which is helpful to visualize graphs. As it provides and advanced graphing calculator to help with parabolas or linear patterns.
Khan Academy is a website you can search through to find videos and articles about history.
Bob Ross Art Channel is a link to the Bob Ross channel where you can find lots of painting videos.
CK-12 is a online resource that provides a wide variety of subjects and textbooks to look from. They have textbooks for any science that you may have this year.
Foreign Langauge
Duolingo is a free application that can help you learn 30+ new languages. Interactive and fun activities will be assigned to you everyday. Millions of teachers recommend this app.
Study Spanish is a free website and app, that helps you learn Spanish. Here you can do activities in Spanish, and when you are done, you can take a test to see if know Spanish!